DFY receives Barclays Sported Grant of £500

Back in December we were delighted to have been awarded a grant from the Barclays Community Football football fund being delivered in partnership with Sported.

The Barclays Community Football Fund offers grants and support resources to grassroots groups. The fund will primarily support young people in deprived or underrepresented areas through local organisations (like ours), many of whom are not yet benefitting from the wider football pyramid.

We are using this grant to increase the numbers in our girls football team, to market DFY academy and to bring along some additional specialist coaches for top training sessions. We are already seeing the benefits of this donation and hope to be able to apply to future Barclays funds in order to further grow our reach into local deprived communities.

Pictured here - the children use our Barclays Sported bibs at our Tuesday training sessions at Stonebridge Park.